Thursday, May 12, 2011

Organized? Yeah Right!

This week has been hectic, hence why no Creative Space for me.  I have had to be organized as I started a new job this week.  While I am excited about my new headspace it is also a little terrifying.  How do you manage to fit everything in?

Via miss retro

For me 'the list' is King.  Without a list I tend to run from one thing to another like a madwoman.

What do you do to stay organised?  Do you write a list?  Or do lists make you break out into hives? 
Do you subscribe to the Winnie the Pooh philosophy that:
"One of the advantages of being disorderly is that one is constantly making exciting discoveries"

1 comment:

Bron @ Stop That Owl said...

I am a list lover. However, the only problem with making lists is the part where you actually have to DO the stuff on said list. Ho hum.

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